+684 633 4266

Contact us

At NPI we’re always happy to help you out and provide friendly professional service for all your insurance needs.

To get in touch, you can contact us by phone on +684 633 4266. Alternatively you can simply call into your local office to make a claim or to arrange protection for your property.

Remember, you’re always welcome to ask for a free quotation without obligation.

Our locations:

National Pacific Insurance Tafuna

Suite #3
1st Floor
Georgina Building
American Samoa 96799

Country Manager: Baron Thomsen
Phone: +684 699 1266 or +684 699 1267
Fax: +684 699 1263
Email: [email protected]

National Pacific Insurance Tafuna

P O Box 1386
Fagaima Road
American Samoa

Phone: +684 699 1266

Complaints procedure

If you have a complaint please talk to us about it.

Complaints procedure